
Everybody is welcome to contribute to the mission by receiving telemetry frames from the satellite, and also pictures. This is a great opportunity to share interest in space and in technical topics.

To receive AmicalSat telemetry, you can use the software from AMSAT-F. Also, you can setup a satNOGS ground station at home, or use any other software. More infos about AmicalSat on the satNOGS DB.

If you do so, please forward the received frames to the main telemetry data warehouse through the SIDS endpoint of satnogs. For the above ways to receive AmicalSat if will be done automatically.

From the data warehouse, a realtime graphical dashboard with all the informations about the health of AmicalSat is provided.

Thank you all for your frames!

You can find in the download section on right the description of the protocol, modulation and frequencies used by AmicalSat.

When the commissioning of the satellite will be ended. A picture campaign will start: pictures will be taken and then downlinked to earth. The downlink will mainly happen over Russian and France. If you live in another country and want to try to receive a picture from AmicalSat, on this website, you will be able to register to a waiting list for picture downlink, keep in mind that energy onboard AmicalSat is a very precious thing and we will not be able to do downlink every day.

The amicalSat want to give back all the great support from the Amateur community by giving information about space weather from the science on the received picture. Radio waves and space weather are deeply linked. Thefore, you can fin all the space weather extracted of each picture on the Transsolo page. You are welcome to ask our expert in space weather about your questions, and you can also ask them do a Transsolo run just for you (and your location).